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Is Your About Us Page Engaging Your Visitors?

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All pages of a website need to engage to keep visitors online. The About Us page is no exemption.

Have you looked at your Google Analytics lately, and if so, how is your About Us page performing?

It’s likely to be one of the best-performing pages for visits, but the About Us page may also have one of the highest bounce rates.

If visitors are bouncing after visiting the About Us page – the content needs improvement.

User Experience

In this business blog, we look at what content should be on the About Us page and how it can be presented for a much improved UX (user experience).

Businesses used to walk-ins like retail stores first need to understand that websites are the front window and store without the in-person experience. Therefore websites have to work harder and smarter to attract and convert visitors into customers.

A customer can’t just walk in and start talking to a staff member to get a look and feel for the business. A business can’t approach a customer online asking if they would like help or advice.

For some customers, this, of course, is a blessing. For others, it dehumanises a business and can often put them off spending. This is where an About Us page comes into play.

With website design, the About Us is one of the first pages selected; however, website builders like Duda say it’s mostly an after-thought and not likely to use interactive content that’s engaging like video, animations and more.

About Us Contents

The About Us page is one of the main pages that can help promote your business and increase brand awareness.

Customers are interested in the business background and makeup; however, the content doesn’t need to be presented in a prosaic way. First, let’s look at key company information that will interest site visitors your business wants as customers.

The History Of Your Business

Telling the story of your business in a way that resonates with your intended audience is vital. All your content needs to be customer-centric to keep the visitor interested and stay on your site.

Within the history of your business, you may wish to include:

  • When the company was founded, and by whom it was founded
  • Where the company is based and any movement/expansion
  • Any takeovers or acquisitions
  • Where you are today alongside how many people employed

There are many good examples of how this content can be presented. Samsung has an excellent page exploring their heritage, while the likes of Ikea and Nike also have examples well worth checking out.

About The Team

Introduce the people in your business and how they work as a team. This will further humanise your business, which, as we know, is harder to achieve via just the website, so you may want to include your business social profiles and updates. Use creative design, including images or videos that showcase your team ideally at work enjoying what they do.

How To Find You

People will often seek out where to find your business through either the About Us page or the Contact Us page. Therefore, you should include this information within your About Us page or a link to direct people to the correct information.

It’s always useful to be a little more engaging with this site element, as a simple address adds no real context. Either adding further information on how to get there or integrating a map feature will be much more useful to the customer, as they’ll be able to get a firmer understanding of exactly where to find you.


Testimonials and Google Reviews are a great way to prove the legitimacy and trustworthiness of your business. Plus, your focus is B2B add brand images of your customers – it may be the key point of difference between you or a competitor

There are several ways you can deliver testimonials. Many brands will use bitesize quotes, which can prove useful, while videos can be used for more detailed testimonials. Taking it further, the addition of full pages to click through, which offers up case studies alongside testimonials, can also really drive home a sale.

Impressive About Us Page Examples

Numerous websites have impressive About Us sections, including those we mentioned earlier, i.e. Samsung, Ikea and Nike. Also Search Engine Journal have presented 25 creative About Us pages in this article and they’re worth visiting for inspiration.

Top Tips

In summary, the About Us page is important and reworking when you change your business that may include your offerings, staff or something else. Let’s look at some of the top tips for presenting your content on the About Us page.

Content Copy

Avoid writing the final copy of the content yourself. A sales or marketing expert practised in sales and marketing copy will do a far better job of it. They are naturally customer-centric, and that will be revealed in the copy.

Video and Images

Use high-quality images and a professional photographer. Your website is often a visitor’s first impression of your business – therefore, make it a standout.


Make something on the About Us page – memorable for the right reasons.

Call To Actions

Don’t forget the CTAs. Let your visitors know where they can go within your site to get the products or services you provide. Offer an incentive too.
