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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) In A Pandemic World: What Has Changed?

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The pandemic sparked a lot of changes in enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions. These came about as firms suddenly had to deal with strict adherence to health protocols, workplace safety, and the shift to remote work settings over long periods.

ERP has never been more valued by businesses eager to maintain an edge than before. It’s thanks to ERP’s ability to streamline various business workflows and functions. This served as an excellent solution for sectors severely affected by the pandemic, such as sales, finance, human resources, and supply chain management.

If you’ve asked yourself, ‘what is ERP implementation?’ or if you need to stay updated on its latest advancements, this guide provides a quick breakdown of what you need to know.

The State Of ERP Implementation Today

Companies currently using ERP solutions will face challenges along the way. In most cases, it’s in terms of resources, financing, and necessary daily adjustments. But, as the global market tries to adjust to a post-pandemic world, the new challenge lies in anticipating changes in demand while still accomplishing business goals.

Proper planning is crucial to ensure the best possible outcomes. Without it, even the most effective ERP solutions will only reap losses.

What Are The Changes In ERP Solutions You Need To Know?

In the face of evolving challenges and demands, ERP has undergone the following changes including:

  • Cloud Technology Playing A Bigger Role
  • The Need to Support Remote Work
  • Personalized Solutions With Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML)
  • Mobile ERP

Cloud Technology Playing A Bigger Role

IT Team

Cloud software has given ERP solutions a new dimension of utility. They offer built-in remote management that scales to your company’s specific needs. If you have remote employees, a cloud ERP solution provides convenient access to the tools they need for their tasks.

Another benefit of cloud ERP solutions is minimizing operational costs. Cloud software barely costs as much as on-site systems in terms of maintenance. Furthermore, the cloud provider oversees data and applications, reducing the workload for in-house IT departments.

Some cloud ERP providers even offer sophisticated cybersecurity systems to protect your business from evolving digital threats. These greatly benefit businesses since digital data has become more integral to modern workplaces.

The Need to Support Remote Work

During the pandemic, many businesses switched to remote work settings. Most of them prefer to stay that way even as quarantine measures are slowly lifted. That’s because they see the advantages of working remotely, which include reduced stress levels, lower operational costs, and greater convenience for employees.

With proper ERP implementation, maintaining a remote work system can be much easier. It allows for convenient access to data, seamless collaboration, and communication from any location. Additionally, an ERP solution functions as a centralized hub for overseeing operations, ensuring your workforce always aligns with business objectives wherever they are.

Personalized Solutions With Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (ML)

Sadly, the majority of companies find it challenging to work with AI. Due to this concern, ERP providers are directly embedding AI and ML into their solutions. This innovation has allowed businesses to enhance customer experience by adding chatbots and voice assistants. It also significantly improved various logistics, production, inventory, and supply chain management processes.

Note that AI comes with robotic process automation (RPA), which involves automating core processes and workflows such as invoicing, data entry, employee onboarding, report generation, and many more. As an organization accumulates operational and client data over the years, AI can handle these tasks more efficiently than personnel teams. This saves much-needed resources and raises productivity.

Mobile ERP

Today, several providers of ERP solutions offer mobile support. Convenience and accessibility have become the leading concerns for businesses nowadays. And smartphone technology offers the ideal platform for making that possible.

Thanks to mobile ERP, employees can readily access the data they need to carry out core tasks regardless of location. In turn, this encourages better collaboration, especially when working with different teams or departments.

Most mobile ERP apps come with a seamless and easy-to-use interface that allows employees to execute tasks even if they don’t have computer access. These include approval monitoring, time tracking, and expense reporting, to name a few. Another perk they offer is providing real-time data with valuable insights, allowing better agility and productivity, precise data capture, and always-on remote accessibility.

Final Thoughts

With the latest changes shaping ERP, businesses should be able to achieve consistent growth even with the dire prospects of a post-pandemic world. The key is to find the solutions that scale with your needs and capacity to ensure success. This guide should point you in the right direction for utilizing ERP solutions to the fullest.
