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Trending Videos Guide for 2022: How to Create Videos That Trend

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a video

In 2022, video content will continue to reign supreme as more and more people are interested in the video-making industry.

This tutorial is for you if you don’t know how to get viral on TikTok or what are trending YouTube videos today.

Read on for information on why videos are essential for promotion. You’ll also find out what makes a video trend, the main differences between YouTube and TikTok, the latest trends, and some tips on creating trending videos on these platforms.

The Importance Of Videos For Promotion

In today’s digital world, a strong online presence is more important than ever. Video content is one of the most powerful forms of communication and promotion to:

  • Build trust
  • Connect with customers emotively
  • Boost conversions and sales

Cisco research projects videos will account for 82% of all internet traffic in 2022, compared to 73% in 2017. That’s a staggering number, so it is a great idea to start incorporating videos into your marketing strategy to stay ahead of the curve and boost your online presence.

What Makes A Video Trend?

There is no one answer to this question, as video marketing trends can be drastically different from one another. Trending videos are content that becomes popular at a certain time or place, so act fast if you want to capitalize on it.

Many factors can contribute to whether or not a video goes viral. Some points to notice:

Natural and unscripted

People are more likely to share natural-looking, unscripted videos

Timing is important

A video has to be released at the right time to catch on. It also needs to be relevant to what’s happening on the platform and in the world. For example, a video about a current event that grabs everyone’s attention will do well.

Trends that appeal to a wide audience

If more people are interested in a particular topic, it increases the views on such videos, assuring they get to the top.


The audience is accustomed to well-made and professional-looking videos with great visuals.


Videos that go viral evoke strong emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, etc. For example, humor is a common denominator in trending TikTok videos. Funny videos are always popular and tend to be some of the most shared content online.

Social media

Videos that have appeared on many social networks without hesitation can be called trending.

Pro tip:

Streamline your strategy by using video marketing tools, to get valuable insights about your content and identify your top performance videos.

YouTube and TikTok: Main Differences

When it comes to trending videos, two platforms stand out from the rest: YouTube and TikTok.

YouTube is a traditional video hosting and sharing platform created in 2005 and a year later bought by Google.

TikTok, on the other hand, is a newer Chinese social media app, founded initially as in 2014, which was later acquired by Bytedance and rebranded as TikTok in August 2018.

Here are some differences between these two platforms.


TikTok is primarily about short, snappy videos, with most lasting around a minute or less. Videos of 3-10 minutes appear quite rare.

On the other hand, YouTube content is longer and more in-depth, even with the advent of Shorts, as there are no restrictions to video length: it can vary from 5-10 minutes to many hours.


Although many adults have joined TikTok lately, the younger generation still prevails. As for YouTube, there is no target audience.

Promotion and attraction

On TikTok, after publishing a short clip, the algorithm shows it to a small circle of people. If the audience likes and comments on it, more people will come across such content, and so on.

YouTube is all about recommendations for related videos. If a viewer gets interested in your content and watches it for a certain time, others will recommend it. Promotion is influenced by the number of likes and subscribers: the more there are, the more popular the channel’s author is.


video creation

With TikTok, a smartphone camera is mostly the only requirement to create content. To upload high-quality videos on YouTube, it is important to make sure you have a suitable tech stack, such as a good camera, a separate microphone, lighting setup, etc.

Creating Videos That Trend on YouTube and TikTok

How can you create videos that trend on YouTube and TikTok?  By knowing the latest trends and useful tips.

Let’s look at some tips for creating trending videos on TikTok and YouTube.

Choose a particular niche

You can’t just shoot videos randomly and hope you get thousands of views: that’s not enough. Determine the purpose of your activity, goals, and desired target audience. Consider only those topics you like and on which you are ready to create content.

Stay updated

Follow the latest news and content changes, use attention-grabbing thumbnails, trend keywords, and hashtags, and shoot what is relevant to the audience at the current moment.

What are some of the top trending video categories on Youtube and TikTok?


Top trending videos on YouTube include:

  • How-to-videos, education
  • Challenges, gaming
  • Live-streaming
  • Product reviews
  • Reactions
  • Music videos
  • Trailers
  • Humor


TikTok video trends include:

  • Dancing
  • Lip-syncing
  • Cooking/baking
  • Art and animation
  • Animals
  • Humor
  • Satisfying videos
  • Creator collaborations

Focus on creativity and uniqueness

In order to stand out from the competition, you need to create cool, unique content. You can always look for inspiration from other creators, but you still need to generate your own ideas. Music is a great way to add emotion and excitement to the content: just keep in mind to use royalty-free music, not to violate copyright law.

Maintain consistency

Form a schedule to consistently provide content to your viewers and keep them engaged for the future. It’s preferable to shoot at least one video per day for TikTok and 2 to 3 per week for YouTube.

Make sure your videos are high quality

An integral part of any popular video is its quality. Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity despite the need for a regular upload.

There is no need for high-quality equipment.  On TikTok, for example, you can shoot videos using a smartphone. Then edit your video before uploading.  Note, this is very important to avoid hesitations and mistakes, fix footage problems, etc. You don’t need any expensive tools, you can use free video editing software.

Promote your videos

YouTube users, for example, are more likely to watch videos that their friends or followers have shared, so make sure you spread the word about your content on social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Summing Up

Now you know more about a video trend, what platforms are the most popular for uploading videos, and their key differences. The tips and tricks we’ve covered in this guide will make sure your content is original, emotional, and shareable.

If you do all of those things, you’ll be well on your way to creating trending videos that will help promote your brand or product.
