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How to use Pinterest for your B2B Marketing Strategy

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Pinterest is a fun and creative social media platform to create better engagement. It is a great marketing tool when used strategically. Pinterest is visually appealing, but it has more to it.

As a visual search platform, the pins are an attractive medium to direct one to the linked website. Most of the Pinterest users are on the look-out for visual content and new photo ideas.

Pinterest indeed is one of the best platforms for increasing traffic to a website and hence lead conversion. The pins are linked to the website, and thus it helps in driving more traffic.

Strategic Pinterest Marketing ideas help with brand awareness, attract more customers, and lead to ultimate sales and conversion rates.

Here are some of the best Pinterest Strategies for marketing the business.

Make the Pinterest Profile Engaging

The first step to creating engagement through Pinterest is creating a business account of Pinterest. It is essential to keep track of the analytics. The business profiles allow creating rich pins that are informative. Rich Pins generally allow more information on the pin, and this makes it viewer engaging. Customize your Pinterest profile to make it more interesting.

Always verify your website on the Pinterest profile. This helps you to keep a tab on the analytics of the website through Pinterest. The rich pins are helpful as it shares more information about the link or pin.

Make sure to link the Pins to your website or blog. This will direct the audience to the website by clicking on the pin.

Upload an impressive profile photo. If it is a business, make sure to upload a picture with the logo to represent it. Write a short but remarkable bio for the audience to read.

Create boards that are specific for a particular topic and selective branding. For example, if your business is about Social Media Optimization, create boards like – “Tips for Facebook Marketing,” “Tips for Instagram Engagement,” “Strategies to Gain Followers,” etc.

Network and Engage for More Traffic

Marketing is a two-way process if it is on a platform like Pinterest. The more you engage with fellow content creators and pin their Pinterest content to the board, the higher is the likelihood of being noticed.

Create engaging boards and give fellow Pinterest users to follow the board and pin their boards’ content. To get the best of Pinterest traffic, create boards with pins with an attractive image and an SEO optimized text.

The creation of collaborative boards is another way to increase branding. The collaborative boards help you create boards in collaboration with other Pinterest users, and hence the pins are seen by more people.

Make sure to create these boards with users who have a similar business interest. The community or group boards allow you to contribute to the board. This is a perfect marketing tool as it helps in engaging with a new audience on the group board.

Determine the Content to Share on Pinterest

It is important to figure out what kind of content you want to put out on Pinterest. Pinterest is an excellent platform for all types of businesses and personal blogs.

Product Pins

One of the best content for Pinterest is product pins. People are continually looking for new products and ideas on Pinterest.

Take stunning pictures of the products, convert them into pins, and link the pin to the online store. This helps the online store to get more visibility, traffic, and hence sale from the pins. For example, if you want to sell a laptop to video content creators on your site, creating a pin with content like the best video editing laptop will help direct customers to the website and a potential sale.

Blog Pins

The blog content graphics is another important type of pin that helps in increasing traffic to a website. The aim is to drive traffic to the blog or article and increase readership.

Make sure these pins are appealing, SEO optimized for the text, and vertical. On clicking such pins, it will redirect to the blog and hence increase readership. Embed the Pinterest Plugin to the blog or website to help readers pin the images on Pinterest directly.

Make Sure to Optimize the Pins with SEO

SEO is universal and works like a charm everywhere. It is important to use the relevant keywords for designing the pins, making it more visible on search. Pinterest is a visual search engine, and optimized pins have a higher search ranking. The use of the right keywords for the text, appealing image, and proper links will significantly increase marketing and sales.

Use relevant keywords in the bio for promoting the business. For example, if you are a graphic designer, mention in the bio using words like “Freelance graphic designer” or “Graphic Designer.” Apart from the pins and bio, optimizing SEO is to integrate the right keywords on the boards. The board titles are important – so make sure to use short keywords.

Be Consistent and Share Fresh Content

As a marketing strategy, it is extremely important to share fresh pins and content on Pinterest constantly. Schedule the pins for sharing, which helps in bringing up your Pins higher in search results.

Pinterest is a great platform for sharing visual content, and consistency will help grow engagement and audience to the business.

Many Pinterest Management Tools help schedule the sharing of your content and pins regularly. These tools are efficient because you can upload any image and description to create multiple pins and schedule the sharing of individual pins later at different times. This scheduling helps in saving a lot of time and constantly ensures creating better engagement.


Pinterest is a platform that allows you to use your creativity and create visually appealing pins.

These marketing tools and strategies will help you gain a new audience or customers for your website through Pinterest. However, it is essential to continue creating aesthetic and pleasing pins to the eyes and SEO optimized for coming into notice.
