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Your Website Can Work For Google And Attract Your Intended Audience

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SEO content tips

Build it, and they will come! A memorable line from the Field of Dreams movie that also resonates with startup businesses.

However, creating a website that works for Google and your intended audience is not as simplistic as this.

It’s crowded online to stand out amongst your competitors; your site works for SERPS (search engine results pages) and your customers – start with a plan and web design inspiration.

The visuals and UX (user experience) will be top of mind, but before you rush in, start with a plan.

Know precisely what you need to achieve and then work backwards from your end goal, so you know what needs to happen, including how much your site will cost to develop, so you get the website that works for your business.

Here are some basic tasks for standing out with your customers and Google.

Standing Out for Google

The goal of any website is to end up on the first page of the Google search engine results. This is where SEO (search engine optimization) elements come into play. You can do things when building your website that will allow you to stand out for Google.

Title Tag and Meta Description

Your title tag should be 70 characters or less. Within the title tag, you need to make sure that you include your company name and important keywords.

Meta descriptions are the more profound descriptions that allow Google to see what your site is about. It should have main keywords but should be written in a way meant to be read.

Overdoing it with keywords is such a thing. They should be used naturally across the page without going overboard.

Internal Links

It is always good to have excellent external links, but using links to other pages is fantastic to get Google’s attention. It will also allow your digital audience to navigate your site better. They will see how everything is interconnected.

Image Names and ALT Tags

You will want to use targeted keywords when you name the images on your site and create the ALT tags for them. This lets Google see your pictures and use them when people are doing image searches. This is just another way to draw attention to your site.

Standing Out for Clients

When designing your website, there are things you can do that will allow you to stand out compared to your competition.

Captivating Content

Content is king – if we all had a nickel for every time we heard that phrase, we wouldn’t need a business to make a living!

Your images should be authentic, not just stock photos. Genuine images of employees, products, and what you are all about.
The articles, descriptions, and employee bios should be updated regularly. You should tell people about the great work you are doing right now and the extraordinary things you do for clients.

You want to tell them about the problems you have helped clients with and the products or services you are working on.

Giving potential clients insight into all these things will make them feel like they know who you are and what you care about.

An Inspirational Point of View

You will want to try to inspire your potential clients. Take a unique stance or point of view on what you do. People can relate to a company trying to do things differently and inspire its clients.

Doing this also gives clients an insight into the culture you are trying to build within your business. This culture will reflect your values, which are what people are going to connect with.

Your website is perfect for getting your core values and company culture across to clients. If not here, then where?

You Work for Them

At the end of the day, clients want to know that you are all about ensuring they get exactly what they need. Include testimonials and reviews from other customers. These will relay your dedication to them through the words of previously happy customers.

Don’t just give a list of these testimonials and reviews. Give real-life scenarios and situations. You will even want to include times when things weren’t always perfect, but you made it so.

Summing Up

As mentioned, your unique site must stand out for many different reasons. It has to stand out for customers and Google (we use Google in this article, but these methods are great for all search engines). It isn’t always the easiest, but it is not impossible.  UX and SEO are fundamental to getting found online.

When you work to create your site, you will reap the benefits. You can create a great product if you think about the audiences you are working for. Do the research, understand your audience, and create a site that reflects your identity.

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