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Workers Compensation Tips for Your Business

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In the world of business, the main goal is to make the biggest profit you can while attempting to make the world a better place to live in the process. You work hard through the efforts of advertising, research, and customer service to ensure that your bottom line stays intact and your clients happy. Workers compensation cases can slow up your progress. Injuries happen.

There is no doubt about that. However, among the honest mistakes, there are cases that could have been prevented and there are those who would try to play the system for easy cash. As a business, sorting through all the mess can be tricky and a hassle, to say the least. Below are three ways you can help prevent unneeded and unwanted workers comp cases.

Be Clear About Hiring Practices

When you enter into a contract with a prospective worker, consider your process well. It may save you precious time and money in the future. Along with proper interview questions and small talk, you will want to make sure that you list, in detail, the physical, emotional, and mental requirements of the position.

Have it in writing, as well and make sure that it is read and signed by the employee. This frees you from the liability of not having disclosed a proper job description. This way, an employee cannot claim he/she was not informed. Communication in any job is necessary. This will not only keep you from liability but may keep employees safer.

Report All Claims Right Away

There once was a man, let’s say his name is Tom, who worked at a construction site. Along the way to his part of the site, there was a beam that was not safely tethered that fell off a piece of scaffolding. Because the gentlemen had not begun his work routine, yet, he decided his hard hat was not needed. Needless to say, when the beam fell, Tom was hit on the head.

It didn’t do much damage on the outside, except a small cut and bump. Tom shook it off and everyone laughed and whet back to work talking about how hard-headed Tom was. Later, that afternoon, Tom simply passed out at his job. When he arrived at the hospital, he was evaluated and found to have a concussion that nearly killed him.

If his accident had been reported immediately, there may have been actions taken to minimize the effect of his injury, first and foremost, and the company would have steered clear of much of the liability. Don’t wait to report an accident. Even if an employee tells you he/she feels ok. Report everything immediately and in as much detail as you can.


When there is a situation at home, involving your children getting into trouble of some sort, you always perform some form of investigation. You need to find out who is responsible for the issue and who instigated the circumstances that created the situation.

Why, then, would you do any less at your job? Investigate all claims. Speak to the injured employee about what happened. Then, take the time to speak to anyone who witnessed the accident. Check any equipment involved for faults and make sure that all employees have proper safety gear on and handy.

Running a business can be a very lucrative process. Don’t allow an unneeded workers compensation case to steal all your hard earned revenue.
